Emergency Dial 911
To file a complaint that is non-emergent in nature contact the Non-Emergency 24-hour Dispatch line at (608) 785-5942.
Office Phone: (608) 783-1050
Fax: (608) 783-2050
Police Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/campbellpolice
Quick Links:
- Welcome Letter from Chief Stratman
- Contact an Officer
- Police Department Forms and Open Records
- Register a private surveillance camera with the Town of Campbell Police Department. The information you provide is for Police investigative use only. You will only be contacted by Police in the event of an active investigation.
Mission, Vision, & Values
The Campbell Police Department will protect and serve its community by judiciously enforcing laws, exhaustively investigating complaints, and vigilantly pursuing and apprehending criminals. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to improve the quality of life in the Town of Campbell by fostering strong community relationships, and modeling leadership and professionalism.
The Campbell Police Department will strive to provide excellent police service, and are committed to constant improvement through continued education and training. We will adapt to meet the changing needs of our community and become a national leader in community policing by building strong relationships and collaboration with all community stakeholders.
Core Values:
Strength, Honor, & Courage
Crime Information and CrimeStoppers
- Campbell Police Need Your Help – Watch here for crime information if we need the public’s assistance (PDF)
- La Crosse Area Crimestoppers
- Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry
- How to Avoid Identity Theft & Scams (PDF)
Community Informational Bulletin Board
- Community Parking Restrictions (PDF)
- Town Right Of Way Issues (PDF)
- Prescription Drug Drop Box Information And Packaging Instructions (PDF)
- Guide To Car Seat Safety For Kids
Campbell Police Community Volunteers
Police Reserve Currently Recruiting
This program has been established to provide the opportunity for participants to learn more about law enforcement, to augment the police department, and to foster positive relations with the community. We also welcome those who simply want to take an active role in their community. There are great opportunities available to our members. Applications may be obtained at the Police Department.
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